[maintenance] 2024-09-03 Cloud Backend version 24.3 release


Following tasks and bug fixes to support 6.0 release will be included into cloud_backend_24.3 release:

  1. Configurable mediator cloud_db credentials

  2. Relay service url added to modules configuration

  3. Disabling user system sharing when removing him from organization

  4. Oauth2 v2 API with short lived access tokens by default

  5. Improved mediator cloud connect statistics

  6. Relay can start without geoIP DB

  7. Fix WebAdmin login API for organizations users

  8. User roles for custom users added to introspect API response


As the Cloud DB needs to be restarted, there might be up to 10 minutes downtime of the following services:

  • Connecting to systems

  • Cloud Portal

  • Email Notifications

  • Push Notifications.

Current connections MAY be affected for the VMS versions less than 5.1.3. Users might need to log back in to their systems.


17.20 Preparation started
17:40 Infrastructure update started
18:30 Update completed
18:30 - 20:20 Troubleshooting Cloud DB Performance Issues
20:20 Cloud DB Fix applied
20:30 Testing started
20:45 Testing completed